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Hello, so I played this game and I liked it, but I wish it had a bit more to it, cause rn it's just a lot of back and forth with nothing interesting happening, maybe a few more different enemies, some dialogue/notes to read for what's going on exactly etc etc.

Thank you so much for playing and for the great video.. I agree with all your comments and will keep your words in mind in my future projects. To my partial justification I can only tell you that this project was made in just 48 hours as a submission to GMTK Game Jam 2020 :)

I tried this and 17 other entries from the scream jam. Memories is #2 in the video.
I thought this was REALLY cool an atmosphere. Seems either incomplete or buggy though or I seriously messed something up there at finding how to progress after a while.

Thank you very much .. the game is complete and functional, but you have to be patient and explore well, even in the places you have already been before. Thanks again :)